Com&Com (Marcus Gossolt / Johannes M. Hedinger): ‹CLOUDS›
In April we will open an exhibition of Com&Com (Marcus Gossolt / Johannes M. Hedinger). They work at the interface of art and media, which they question in a complex way. In their multi- and transmedial artworks, they use a wide variety of genres such as film, music, text, photography, drawing, sculpture, installations or paintings. Starting with rather theoretical approaches, Com&Com wrote the „postironic manifest“ in 2009 and are since then using new/old techniques and subjects in their productions. This deliberately chosen turning point served as a mean to rethink the artistic work and to realign its form and content: Com&Com stepped away from the methods of irony and provocation. It’s the beginning of a new creative period with a radically changed concept of art: their focus is now on the rediscovery of beauty in daily life and simple things, as well as on the homage to the authentic and unconsumed. With this new concept of art on a quest of beauty and sense, Com&Com are creating surprising, new works: the upcoming exhibition in Bern is for instance the first to show their new, large-scale cloud images.
Bernhard Bischoff
Stadtgalerie Bern (, 12.-21.4.2012
Ausstellung und Aktion von Com&Com
21.04. / Aktion in der Berner Altstadt und PROGR Innenhof
15.30 –17 h Fahrt durch die Altstadt Start beim Parkplatz Nydeggstalden
17.30 –19 h Aktionsprogramm im PROGR Innenhof Daria Gusberti ( Tanz / Performance) / Les Lieus ( Andreas Egli, Thomas Schoenberger – Theoretische Intervention) / Norient (Thomas Burkhalter, Simon Grab, Michael Spahr – Musik / Video) / Jamie Wong Li, Steven Götz ( Musik / Video)