Filip Haag ‹Malerei und Zeichnung›
24.5. – 29.6.2019
Opening Thursday 23th May 2019 18-20h
The perception is an important part of Filip Haags art reception. The drawings, paintings and the plastics leave the viewer enough clearance for own interpretations, although they have an unusual precise appearance. Color, surface and materiality are crucial, the medium can diversify. In the development progress of an artwork the starting point is not clear at the beginning, the artist let the journey of the work open for some time. In general his curiosity guides Filip Haag, he sees himself as an explorer. His work oscillates between chaos and order.
The artist never tries to depict human beings or anything that is representational, but rather his uncon-scious surroundings and his very own basis of existence. His works are always imaginary worlds whose intentions remain vague and open, open to each individual viewer’s interpretation while closed to any-one else’s. Filip Haag’s pictorial worlds visualise areas that go beyond the apparently visual.
Innumerable nuances of black form the basis of his colour scheme. They are degrees of blackness, how-ever, that do not represent darkness and decay, but contrast and counterbalance. Using black he does so in the same way as when painting with light. His artistic principle consists in accentuating certain shapes by outlining or overpainting them with partly luminous paint.
Filip Haag’s paintings often are born out of chaos, out of forlorn and unintentional scrawls as it were. They could be called the result of controlled chance, quasi creating themselves in the process of creation. The artist fills areas with paint – carefully applied or slapped on, often with his bare hands –, creating a form, a precise drawing out the apparent chaos. His works are thus continuous confrontations be-tween natural chaos and the order constructed out of this chaos.
In addition to the paintings on canvas, a mural painting is created in the exhibition. On Saturday, May 25th and June 1st, June 8th and 22nd, it will be reworked and there will be a chance to see the artist at work.
On Monday, May 27th at 18.30h there is a reading and a conversation in the gallery POETRY OF THE MOMENTS. Photos and texts by Filip Haag, presented in a conversation with Michael Krethlow and read by Michaela Wendt.