Over the years Lorenz Spring has become a master of composition and colouring with a distinctive personal style. “Merely” bright and cheerful at first sight his expressive paintings reminiscent of fireworks, oscillating between the figurative and abstract, reveal their true depth only at closer inspection. Often Spring, who draws inspiration from comics and pop art, works in series that differ from each other in technique but not in subject-matter. A recurring theme, which he likes to treat symbolically, is the question of becoming and passing away. Lorenz Spring‘s most recent paintings of water lilies dominate the first room. They are the outcome of bike trips to lake „Gerzensee“, which he undertook on nice summer days to soak up the sun and recharge his batteries. One day, the artist started to take photographs of the local flora, then gluing the print-outs on canvas. These “collages” are the basis for his paintings. Using oils and mixed media he applies countless layers of bright paint in expressive brush strokes. The theme of these paintings is continued on the large wall in the office with 40 small-scale paintings showing the surface of a lake in summer. In the second, intervening room we encounter stunning still lifes of flowers on canvas and paper, as well as sculptures: an opulent garden of seemingly fragrant flowers spreading out in front of us.
Lorenz Spring, who is presenting his recent works (new series combined with paintings and sculptures produced over the last few years) after a prolonged absence, is imbuing the gallery with a feeling of spring and summer. The aptly named exhibition “Spring in Winter” is creating a wonderful contrast to the dormant state of nature in these winter months.
Bernhard Bischoff, January 2014