Reto Leibundgut: ‹Flora›

From the very beginning of Reto Leibundgut`s artistic activity, he has exclusively concentrated on using secondhand, old material. The essence of his works is based on a large collection of gathered material. Materials as wood, leather, plastic or textiles are being elaborately handled/processed/used and put into a completely new context. The artist is mostly interested in transforming dingy/battered material by means of a careful, caring manufacturing process into something stunningly new. Furthermore he recycles images, using models as old needle points, still pictures taken from pornographic movies or photographs. By means of traditional, assumedly outdated techniques as inlays or embroideries contents are being transformed into a new dimension, questioning the familiar perception and trying to vex it.

All of Reto Leibundgut`s works are of a puzzling straightforwardness. His art uses old materials and techniques but nevertheless appears very up-to-date. He messes the viewer about/pulls the viewer’s leg and provokes with a supposed perfection an uneasiness, which cannot be denied. On the one hand you are attracted to the meticulously crafted pieces, on the other hand you are repelled by their raw, rough way of making. For the current exhibition FLORA the series “Stars” has being extended, showing subtly embroidered women portraits, whose features are covered by a star or a bar. Furthermore the exhibition is showing new “patchwork pictures” made with old floral embroideries. Putting these works into a dialogue with his new inlays from the series “Virgins” and the silver figurines. Festoons/garlands made out of sliced tin jugs are wonderfully combining the works and the gallery spaces – very Leiundgut-like.

Bernhard Bischoff, 2011