Reto Leibundgut: ‹NETTER HASROULAT›
Since the beginning of his artistic career, Reto Leibundgut is exclusively working with used, old „material“. Hence, his vast „material collections“ are the essence of his works. Usually, he elaborately manipulates materials such as wood, leather, plastic or textiles and places them into a new context. He is mostly interested in the aspect of how a „shabby“ material can receive a new, astonishing presence by being processed with care and affection. As regards to content, he is not only recycling material but also images. As models he often uses old tapestries, stills from porn movies or photographs. By means of traditional, allegedly dusty techniques, such as intarsia or embroidery, he transfers contents into a new dimension, questions familiar perceptions and irritates.
All of Reto Leibundgut’s works are artworks with a confusing straightforwardness, artworks, which use old materials and techniques, but at the same time are most up-to-date. He is messing around with us and with his seemingly perfection evokes an uneasiness, which cannot be denied. On one hand his meticulously processed pieces are attracting us in a pleasant way, but on the other hand a raw and rough making rejects one. On display are tapestry patchworks, a sculpture consisting of different wooden sculptures and a big neon tube installation.