‹WONDER›: EVA&ADELE, Craig Fisher, Reto Leibundgut, Silvano Repetto, Leopold Schropp, Verena Schwab, John Strutton, Brigitte Zieger


« Christmas time- time of wonders ». Multilayer and with different mediums eight artists orbit the notion «WONDER».

Leopold Schropps images on a golden basic lean material technically against the icon painting of passed centuries, even if the formal and the free painting style allow a totally different reading.

«Blue», the new multipiece installation of Silvano Repetto consists of a video work as well as serigraphs. In a nearly mystical way the pictures change and let one participate in blurred optic tracks.

The Englishman John Strutton reminds with his installation made from records and guitars of the display of a music store as well as of the longing for stardom. All sheets tell individual stories, which in their entirety become an entertaining universal story of pop music. Aside are the works of Reto Leibundgut. A seat made of an old leather couch, which distantly remains of two lean deers, stands dominantly on a carped meadow. Thereto come the lavishly constructed inlays. The in old technique manufactured alienated pictures lead to astonishment and open up a new world of seeing. The artist couple EVA&ADELE, self-proclaimed beings from the future, brig their watercolour paintings to Switzerland. The works, which had rocked the boat in the northern watercolour museum in the Swedish Skärhamn, enqueue wonderfully in the topic – who has already visited the future?

In the dark kept street space, two video works meet each other. Brigitte Ziegers work «Mondwest» tells in enigmatic pictures the story of a woman, who slowly disintegrates into fog/smoke. The spherical music underlines the scene perfectly. Verena Schwabs into the life of flower animals (corals). Polyrhythmic the bizarre scene changes. Dealing with both of the videos in the room, the first part of Craig Fishers objects can be seen. Knifes, sticking in the wall – and then in the bathroom as an aesthetic bloodstain redeveloping, or an alleged bomb from textiles bear witness of the British’s wit. He knows how to astonish and with the material transfer brining the comic world into reality. Doing their bit to the topic, but on their very own way. The exposition never gets boring; plays with wit, but does also deliver an in-depth dispute with the inexhaustible topic.

Bernhard Bischoff, November 2003