‹zeichnungen – dessins – drawings›: Caroline Bachmann, Beat Brogle, Chris Bünter, Bernhard Huwiler, Elisabeth Llach, Andrea Loux, Laurent Schmid, Markus Schwander, Erich Weiss


The present exhibiton is entirely dedicated to the medium of drawing. For centuries this medium was used only as a means to and end, and yet, even the Renaissance theorists considered it as the most archaic of media. ‘First idea’, ‘free realisation’, ‘original’ were the keywords. This is probably why drawing has never lost its attraction and is still appreciated by artists today, although the classical definition of drawing as pencil or charcoal on paper has gradually been expanded. The nine artists shown in the exhibition represent a broad spectrum of positions. This is a fascinating tour of contemporary works done in a medium that has suffered from some neglect of late.

Bernhard Bischoff, April 2003